Pretend for a moment you are on a wonderful trip somewhere with your spouse or loved one. In your busy lives, you never have enough time to do as much with one another as you would love to do, so you decide to shop together for a gift for one or both of you at your next destination. You may have attended a great “informational” sales pitch on a cruise ship or you may be headed to one of the many destinations where shopping is “duty free” or supposedly at a large discount. You are happy, peaceful and optimistic and have put your daily worries aside for a few hours or days. The sky is blue and life is good. You have turned off your warning radar and are about to become a victim.
You shop, but you find there is quite a bit of pressure to decide on the spot. You see things you like, but you really have no way to comparison shop as you normally might do at home You forget yourself and just wing it. You take a chance and don’t realize what you might have done to you and your wallet until later that night or even until you get home. Then, you read the return instructions and discover how very difficult it will be to get this purchase reversed, exchanged or adjusted. Many find themselves in exactly this position.
You will find that had you been more aware of the pitfalls you might have bought the same items at home from a trusted source who would work out any and all kinks in the deal just to keep you happy, but now you have bought something where getting it made right will be nearly impossible.
Please, don’t become a needless victim of impulsive buying when you are not in your comfort zone. Since it is very much like gambling when you are really uninformed, never spend more than you can afford to lose. You can still buy a trinket or little gift that is sentimental and meaningful, but why would you buy something really costly and risky when you may have no recourse to have any issue straightened out later?